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Type Code Default Window Auto-Gen Indicator Pop Query Last Modified By Last Date Modified
NEW_CT 0 Y select nbrjobs_pidm pidm, (select ptrcaln_year from ptrcaln where ptrcaln_pict_code = 'UI' and base.nbrjobs_effective_date between ptrcaln_start_date and ptrcaln_end_date) pay_year, nbrjobs_effective_date start_date, nbrjobs_effective_date + 30 end_date, null eff_date from nbrjobs base where 1=1 and nbrjobs_effective_date > sysdate - 14 and nbrjobs_status = 'A' and uilib.ecls.is_ba_hourly(nbrjobs_ecls_code) = 'Y' and not exists (select * from table(uilib.jobs.pidm(base.nbrjobs_pidm, base.nbrjobs_effective_date - 2)) where status <> 'T' and uilib.ecls.is_ba_hourly(ecls) = 'Y') and not exists (select 'Y' from nwrelct where nwrelct_pidm = base.nbrjobs_pidm and nwrelct_window_open = base.nbrjobs_effective_date) order by nbrjobs_effective_Date desc W:ANORRIS 09-APR-2018
ANN_CT 0 N select nbrjobs_pidm from nbrjobs base where nbrjobs_status <> 'T' and nbrjobs_effective_date = ( select max(nbrjobs_effective_date) from nbrjobs j2 where j2.nbrjobs_pidm = base.nbrjobs_pidm and j2.nbrjobs_posn = base.nbrjobs_posn and j2.nbrjobs_suff = base.nbrjobs_suff and j2.nbrjobs_effective_date <= sysdate) and uilib.ecls.is_ba_hourly(nbrjobs_ecls_code) = 'Y' -- 15-Jan-2015 CJE Exclude people with simultaneous classified and non-classified jobs and not exists ( select 'Y' from nbrjobs sub where nbrjobs_status <> 'T' and sub.nbrjobs_pidm = base.nbrjobs_pidm and sub.nbrjobs_posn <> base.nbrjobs_posn and nbrjobs_effective_date = ( select max(nbrjobs_effective_date) from nbrjobs where nbrjobs_pidm = sub.nbrjobs_pidm and nbrjobs_posn = sub.nbrjobs_posn and nbrjobs_suff = sub.nbrjobs_suff and nbrjobs_effective_date <= sysdate) and uilib.ecls.is_ba_hourly(nbrjobs_ecls_code) = 'N') W:ANORRIS 09-APR-2018
DEF_PAY 30 N select nbrjobs_pidm from nbrjobs base where nbrjobs_status <> 'T' and nbrjobs_effective_date = ( select max(nbrjobs_effective_date) from nbrjobs j2 where j2.nbrjobs_pidm = base.nbrjobs_pidm and j2.nbrjobs_posn = base.nbrjobs_posn and j2.nbrjobs_suff = base.nbrjobs_suff and j2.nbrjobs_effective_date <= case when (extract (month from sysdate)) <= 6 then to_date('1-Jul-' || extract(year from sysdate)) else to_date('1-Jul-' || (extract(year from sysdate) + 1)) end ) and nbrjobs_dfpr_code is not null -- they have a deferred pay code union -- classified employees on "spread pay" select nbrjobs_pidm from nbrjobs JOBS where nbrjobs_status <> 'T' and nbrjobs_effective_date = ( select max (JOBS2.nbrjobs_effective_date) from nbrjobs JOBS2 where nbrjobs_pidm = JOBS.nbrjobs_pidm and nbrjobs_posn = JOBS.nbrjobs_posn and nbrjobs_suff = JOBS.nbrjobs_suff and nbrjobs_effective_date <= case when (extract (month from sysdate)) <= 6 then to_date('1-Jul-' || extract(year from sysdate)) else to_date('1-Jul-' || (extract(year from sysdate) + 1)) end ) and uilib.ecls.is_ba(nbrjobs_ecls_code) = 'Y' and nbrjobs_fte < 1 and nbrjobs_hrs_pay = 80 and nbrjobs_pays in (26, 27) -- 27 to account for one pay year every 11 years that has 27 pays W:DEREKJ 06-APR-2020
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Release: 1.1